I like to read. Often times the subject of my reading interests leads me to books that are political, and thus divisive, in nature. Maybe it's just me, but I do find other readers' opinions of a book I'm about to spend money on useful. What I don't find useful is when partisan hacks, who neither bought or read the book, are given an avenue to spew their disapproval of the author's ideology under the guise of a "review".
Let's not get into the fact that it's pretty sad that people get their rocks off under false pretenses, or delve into what sort of pitiful existence such reviewer must be living through. No, the fault here lies squarely on Amazon. Whilst reading through the fine print of book reviews, there is a fix staring you right in the face, one so obvious it leads me to question why the fix hasn't already been implemented, and to speculate once again that the culprit here is yet another self-righteous hack, this time one employed by Amazon themselves:
Use the "verified purchase" as a requirement, not an option, for those who post reviews of the damn books! (or any other item, for that matter)
I realize this is ground-breaking stuff here, but alas, I am a genius, a five star one at that. (That's a ranking I gave myself) Also I do realize that there are people out there that would go to the trouble of buying the book just to be able to leave their mindless drivel and stick it to the man. Hey, nothing is perfect. At the end of the day, such person will have to lay their head down at night, their childish grin disappearing from their face, and endure the return of that feeling of being a horse's ass, questioning their own very existence, wondering what they missed along the way in life to become an online book review troll.
So I have sent a letter of disapproval to Amazon regarding their stupid review system. It may fall on deaf ears, just like the book reviews I have to sort through from people who didn't read the damn book!!!
Let's not get into the fact that it's pretty sad that people get their rocks off under false pretenses, or delve into what sort of pitiful existence such reviewer must be living through. No, the fault here lies squarely on Amazon. Whilst reading through the fine print of book reviews, there is a fix staring you right in the face, one so obvious it leads me to question why the fix hasn't already been implemented, and to speculate once again that the culprit here is yet another self-righteous hack, this time one employed by Amazon themselves:
Use the "verified purchase" as a requirement, not an option, for those who post reviews of the damn books! (or any other item, for that matter)
I realize this is ground-breaking stuff here, but alas, I am a genius, a five star one at that. (That's a ranking I gave myself) Also I do realize that there are people out there that would go to the trouble of buying the book just to be able to leave their mindless drivel and stick it to the man. Hey, nothing is perfect. At the end of the day, such person will have to lay their head down at night, their childish grin disappearing from their face, and endure the return of that feeling of being a horse's ass, questioning their own very existence, wondering what they missed along the way in life to become an online book review troll.
So I have sent a letter of disapproval to Amazon regarding their stupid review system. It may fall on deaf ears, just like the book reviews I have to sort through from people who didn't read the damn book!!!
Totally agree. I'll send a similar letter.