
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Why does even have a ratings system for books? Liberal (and conservative) trolling ruins it.

     I like to read. Often times the subject of my reading interests leads me to books that are political, and thus divisive, in nature. Maybe it's just me, but I do find other readers' opinions of a book I'm about to spend money on useful.  What I don't find useful is when partisan hacks, who neither bought or read the book, are given an avenue to spew their disapproval of the author's ideology under the guise of a "review".
     Let's not get into the fact that it's pretty sad that people get their rocks off under false pretenses, or delve into what sort of pitiful existence such reviewer must be living through. No, the fault here lies squarely on Amazon. Whilst reading through the fine print of book reviews, there is a fix staring you right in the face, one so obvious it leads me to question why the fix hasn't already been implemented, and to speculate once again that the culprit here is yet another self-righteous hack, this time one employed by Amazon themselves:
      Use the "verified purchase" as a requirement, not an option, for those who post reviews of the damn books!  (or any other item, for that matter)

     I realize this is ground-breaking stuff here, but alas, I am a genius, a five star one at that. (That's a ranking I gave myself) Also I do realize that there are people out there that would go to the trouble of buying the book just to be able to leave their mindless drivel and stick it to the man. Hey, nothing is perfect. At the end of the day, such person will have to lay their head down at night, their childish grin disappearing from their face, and endure the return of that feeling of being a horse's ass, questioning their own very existence, wondering what they missed along the way in life to become an online book review troll.
      So I have sent a letter of disapproval to Amazon regarding their stupid review system. It may fall on deaf ears, just like the book reviews I have to sort through from people who didn't read the damn book!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Will Public School turn my child into a bleeding heart liberal?

     As I am preparing to send my son off to elementary school, I am filled with the standard emotions: sadness that he's growing up too fast, anxiety over how he will interact with the other kids, and hope that he will be able to keep up and learn the skills that he needs to go through life. 
     To add to all of that, I have conjured up in my head a new fear, one that scares me more than the rest: Will being in the public school system turn my kid into a raging liberal? Is this not the natural result of our colleges and universities being the centrifuges of leftist indoctrination?-

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Political Correctness is a Communist Concept

Political Correctness started in a think tank in Germany in 1923. It was going to be called The Institute of Marxism but in order to hide its Marxist roots it became known as The Institute of Social Research. The purpose was to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia. Why wasn't communism spreading? Because Western Civilization was in its way with its belief in the individual and that an individual could develop valid ideas.

At the root of communism was the theory that all valid ideas come from the effect of the social group of the masses. The individual is nothing. And they believed that the only way for communism to advance was to help Western Civilization to destroy itself by undermining its foundations by chipping away at the rights of those annoying individuals. One way to do that? Change their speech and thought patterns by spreading the idea that vocalizing your beliefs is disrespectful to others and must be avoided to make up for past inequities and injustices. Then use this to stifle any discussion which might show up the lack of common sense in their ideology. And call it something that sounds positive: "Political Correctness."

That is how Political Correctness came about and why it is the tool of the far left in politics. When Hitler took over Germany in 1933, the Institute moved to the USA (as most of the thinkers were Jewish).

The idea of political correctness was taught in many major universities in America by these German/Jewish philosophers. Out of this early development, was born feminism and modern concepts of what is politically correct. Therefore, a definition of political correctness could be - 'Only that which serves the communist cause'.

Note - Communism doesn't work, because it is based on the moral behavior of a small tribe or group and applied to a much larger group. The social cohesion of a small group, can't be reproduced or applied to a much larger group. When you have a large population the personal ties breakdown and people act differently to strangers, than they do, to friends and acquaintances.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Narcissistic Personality Disorder.... Can Progressives and Liberals be cured?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process. Some people diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder are characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance. They have a sense of entitlement and demonstrate grandiosity in their beliefs and behavior.

Symptoms of this disorder include:

  • Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments
  • Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others
  • Envies others and believes others envy him/her
  • Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence
  • Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others
  • Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior
  • Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

     Reading over the definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, it is stunning to see how well the modern Leftist in America could easily be diagnosed with this mental condition. In a nutshell, NPD is the inability to let go of the feelings most of us had as small children. Kids lack the wisdom, common sense, and learned behaviors gained through life experiences. This is why many people move to the right on the political spectrum as they get older. Unfortunately, in today's society, the shift in parenting style from when many of us grew up may be retarding that process, causing many to actually "grow up" much later than in previous generations.
     Maybe it's time we step back and take a look at the whether the presence of NPD could be the cause of America's shift towards the adolescent behavior and opinions of those on the left. Perhaps through medication and treatment, along with counseling and awareness, we can help to fight this outbreak of an affliction that threatens to dismantle the country we all know and love.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Leftists are trolling you.

     It has become clear that the Left has latched onto a political tactic that is working beautifully, to their credit. I have fallen for it myself far too many times. They are trolling.  These trolls are going out of their way to intentionally push the buttons of people on the right, in order to bring out the worst in them. When the predictable response happens, often reactionary, they go in for the kill. As childish and devious as it sounds, they continue to push it because as we all know with the left, "the ends justify the means."
     Just today I came across a perfect example of what I'm talking about: Honey Maid Graham Crackers and their commercial touting "This is Wholesome" with a depiction of gay couple and their family. Unable to resist, I scroll down to the comments section and there they are....  self-righteous progressive waiting for so much as a hint that someone may feel the ad is in poor taste, or see it for the propaganda that it is. That's when they pounce. In the world of the progressive troll, the diversity warrior, any dissenting opinion on the beauty of the gay family or question of the real motives of the advertisement is seen as "hatred", "bigotry", and "homophobia."  Then there are the fake posts by the "right winger", the ones so asinine and ridiculous, that in many cases were planted there by progressives themselves, to further their just cause.  It never ends well. The liberals get their confirmation of the absolute despicable humanity of people of the right.  The dissenter gets their public shaming and leaves even more angry than they were before.
      We must start to see this form of bait and switch for what it is folks. The trolling has been there all along. But now the tactic has become even more brazen. We saw it in the Super Bowl ads, and the success of that liberal trolling campaign is about to really get ramped up, as we see with the Honey Maid commercial. In an election year, with the Senate Majority on the line, the campaign to divert the general public away from the real issues with our runaway government, the left will turn to what it is best at: dividing people by their values and beliefs.   As long as you feed into it, the campaign will continue. So what if there's a commercial with a gay family? Are we not more concerned with the Democrats' fiscal irresponsibility and insistence on turning America into a Socialist society? Stop letting yourselves be pulled into this trap. As long as the left is successful portraying the right as racist and bigoted, the campaign will continue. You owe it to no one to prove otherwise. Eventually, reasonable people will see things for what they really are: People on the right generally just don't give a damn what color or sexuality you are. Unity comes before "diversity."

Take heed.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Megyn Kelly puts her foot down against the pandering of Radical Islam.

     While the left continues to show its cowardice by constantly criticizing peaceful groups for their beliefs, Megyn Kelly and Fox News continue to stand up to the most egregious violators of human rights.  The liberals' war on Christianity continues to rear its ugly head as evidenced by the recent ousting of Mozilla's CEO for a political contribution made back in 2008.  When asked for a retraction from Fox for supporting "Islamaphobia", Megyn Kelly's response was "well guess what? You're not getting it."
     All over the world, Islamic Jihadists are committing atrocities against women on a daily basis. Children are strapping bombs to their chests because that's what they are being taught is the right thing to do.. People are being killed. Yet criticism of Muslims is somehow always seen on the left as "bigotry", "racism", and "intolerance" (quotations are used because the meanings of such words in the context they are used today is not what the words actually mean).  This sort of double standard has come to define and constantly undermine what the mainstream media and the American left stands for today. How about a big "thank you" to Megyn Kelly today? I can only guess what the response from the left would be to that question: as Mrs. Kelly so boldly told the CAIR group: "you aren't getting it."

Remember, we are talking here about Radical Islam (such disclaimer is necessary as liberal troll repellant) -- those who treat women like animals and seek to destroy western civilization in an attempt to implement sharia law. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Birthright Citizenship... Rewarding those who break our laws.

The Fourteenth Amendment was created with the purpose of granting freed slaves American citizenship as their birthright. It states as follows:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The same people who would cite the amendment as their smoking gun evidence that children born to illeal aliens deserve citizenship often avoid the portion I highlighted above, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."  The intention of this passage was to exclude children of foreign diplomats, foreign criminals in U.S. custody, Prisoners of War, etc. from being granted birthright citizenship. Unfortunately, like many of the amendments, the lack of specificity allows for convenient "interpretation", often based on ideology.

I would argue that the exclusion of such groups listed above is not complicated: Birthright Citizenship, as stated in the constitution, would also exempt children of illegal aliens from benefiting from this law. Simply put, if the parents aren't citizens, the kids aren't citizens either. By allowing such "anchor babies",  we simply encourage law-breakers to continue to break the law. In a sense, rewarding criminal activity.

Is it not time for a real conversation about birthright citizenship, an adult one which doesn't start with "You're just a racist."?  It's not racism, it's realism. America cannot afford to continue to import poverty while in a financial and social crisis of our own.