
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Leftists are trolling you.

     It has become clear that the Left has latched onto a political tactic that is working beautifully, to their credit. I have fallen for it myself far too many times. They are trolling.  These trolls are going out of their way to intentionally push the buttons of people on the right, in order to bring out the worst in them. When the predictable response happens, often reactionary, they go in for the kill. As childish and devious as it sounds, they continue to push it because as we all know with the left, "the ends justify the means."
     Just today I came across a perfect example of what I'm talking about: Honey Maid Graham Crackers and their commercial touting "This is Wholesome" with a depiction of gay couple and their family. Unable to resist, I scroll down to the comments section and there they are....  self-righteous progressive waiting for so much as a hint that someone may feel the ad is in poor taste, or see it for the propaganda that it is. That's when they pounce. In the world of the progressive troll, the diversity warrior, any dissenting opinion on the beauty of the gay family or question of the real motives of the advertisement is seen as "hatred", "bigotry", and "homophobia."  Then there are the fake posts by the "right winger", the ones so asinine and ridiculous, that in many cases were planted there by progressives themselves, to further their just cause.  It never ends well. The liberals get their confirmation of the absolute despicable humanity of people of the right.  The dissenter gets their public shaming and leaves even more angry than they were before.
      We must start to see this form of bait and switch for what it is folks. The trolling has been there all along. But now the tactic has become even more brazen. We saw it in the Super Bowl ads, and the success of that liberal trolling campaign is about to really get ramped up, as we see with the Honey Maid commercial. In an election year, with the Senate Majority on the line, the campaign to divert the general public away from the real issues with our runaway government, the left will turn to what it is best at: dividing people by their values and beliefs.   As long as you feed into it, the campaign will continue. So what if there's a commercial with a gay family? Are we not more concerned with the Democrats' fiscal irresponsibility and insistence on turning America into a Socialist society? Stop letting yourselves be pulled into this trap. As long as the left is successful portraying the right as racist and bigoted, the campaign will continue. You owe it to no one to prove otherwise. Eventually, reasonable people will see things for what they really are: People on the right generally just don't give a damn what color or sexuality you are. Unity comes before "diversity."

Take heed.

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